

Colonoscopy services offered in Homestead, FL

Colonoscopy is a diagnostic test that helps board-certified gastroenterologist Sandra Rodriguez, MD, at DLW Gastro Clinic in Homestead, Florida, diagnose, treat, and manage conditions that affect the large intestine. It’s minimally invasive and provides valuable information that benefits health and well-being. Call DLW Gastro Clinic today, or use the online booking button to schedule a colonoscopy consultation.

Colonoscopy Q & A

Why would I need a colonoscopy?

Your primary care provider or gastroenterologist at DLW Gastro Clinic can explain why you need a colonoscopy. The diagnostic test can help find out why you’re experiencing symptoms like abdominal pain, constipation, or blood in your stool if other less invasive tests fail to provide a definitive diagnosis. 

A colonoscopy can help diagnose gastrointestinal conditions like:

  • Colon polyps
  • Diverticulosis or diverticulitis
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Colitis

It’s also the gold standard test for colon cancer screening. 

During a colonoscopy, your gastroenterologist examines the entire length of your large intestine, the last section of your gastrointestinal tract. 

What do I need to know about preparing for colonoscopy?

To have a successful colonoscopy, you must follow the bowel prep guidelines outlined by the board-certified gastroenterologist at DLW Gastro Clinic. You need a clean large intestine for the doctor to examine the lining thoroughly. 

To clean out the colon, you need to stop eating solid food the day before the test and then take a special laxative to clear out all of the stool.

The board-certified gastroenterologist may cancel your colonoscopy if you fail to prepare properly.

What can I expect during a colonoscopy?

Your gastroenterologist at DLW Gastro Clinic reviews the details of your colonoscopy at your initial consultation so you know what to expect. Before starting, your physician gives you a mild sedative to help you relax during the outpatient procedure.

While lying on your side on the procedure table, the gastroenterologist inserts the colonoscope into your anus and slowly advances it through the large intestine. The colonoscope is a thin, flexible tube with a light and camera that transmits images onto a computer screen.

The gastroenterologist removes any colon polyps and takes samples of abnormal tissue. 

What happens after a colonoscopy?

You go to the recovery area following your colonoscopy. The gastroenterologist at DLW Gastro Clinic reviews the preliminary findings of your test with you and sends you home.

You need to have someone drive you home after your colonoscopy and plan to take the remainder of the day off. 

Schedule your colonoscopy consultation at DLW Gastro Clinic by calling or booking an appointment online today.